Behavioral Science Services

Serving to Enhance Los Angeles Police Department Wellness and Operations Since 1968

LAPD Health Matters 2025 -

LAPD Health Matters 2025 -

Health Matters

Learn more about our annual calendar of health and well-being topics!

Now offering Single-Session psychotherapy appointments for guidance that is immediate and to the point.

“Police departments will…increasingly utilize psychological and other behavioral science professionals in various areas of police work as a routine matter...”

— Dr. Martin Reiser, “The Police Department Psychologist,” 1972


Police Psychology

Behavioral Science Services (BSS) was founded in 1968 with the hire of Dr. Martin Reiser, the first full-time psychologist in a police agency and widely considered the father of modern police psychology. BSS now provides police psychological services across four major domains: intervention, assessment, operational support, and organizational consultation. Services include individual and relationship counseling for all LAPD employees, responses to critical incidents, 24/7 on-call rotations to assist with on- or off-duty related crises, and managerial and operational consultation, including serving on the SWAT Crisis Negotiation Team.


Nutrition Services

The BSS dietitian nutritionist works both independently and alongside psychologists, developing wellness programs and materials tailored to law enforcement, providing nutrition counseling to individuals and groups, and serving as an expert resource on all issues related to nutrition for the Department. The dietitian nutritionist also oversees the training of the Health & Fitness cadre of Peer Support.


Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention Unit

BSS includes sworn employees assigned to its Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Unit, who offer subject matter proficiency on a variety of health behaviors and specialized services as certified drug alcohol counselors. They are granted limited confidentiality privileges by the Department in order to help Department personnel who might not otherwise seek needed help. ASAP members provide training, assessment, referral, and even transport services to employees and their significant others, with the compassion and understanding that only personal experience can bring. 

Protecting and Serving Those Who Protect and Serve
